Pay Off or Reduce Your Credit Card Debts Through Cash-Out Car Refinancing
Nearly three-quarters of Singaporeans own a credit card. While the majority of Singaporeans are capable of paying off their credit card debts on time, there’s still about 12% of them who are struggling to pay on time and are desperately trying to find ways on how they can pay off or reduce their credit card […]
Safe Distancing Measures Advisory
Safe Distancing Measures Advisory Implementing safe distancing measures in our offices and showroom to protect and provide our customers with a peace of mind while they are within our premises. At Reach Group – Speed Credit, Cars & Stars & Ace Drive, your safety and well-being is our priority. In line with our government’s safe […]
Office Premises Disinfection at Speed Credit
Everyone’s health and well-being is very important to us. In light of the evolving situation on COVID-19, we’ve stepped up and implemented preventive and precautionary measures across our showroom and office premises at Ace Drive, Cars & Stars and Speed Credit. Apart from temperature screening, maintaining a high standard of hygiene amongst our employees and […]
COVID-19 Advisory
In light of the evolving situation on COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus), and with all our employees and guests (customers, partners and other visitors) at the top of our minds, we have stepped up and implemented preventive and precautionary measures across our showroom and office premises at Ace Drive, Cars & Stars and Speed Credit. These measures […]
New Form to Submit Car Instalments
Due to the overwhelming monthly instalment submissions we get through our email, we have created a new form to serve you better. Through this form, we will be able to efficiently track your car instalment payments. Submit your car instalments now!
Commercial Vehicle Loan For Your Business

If you are a business owner and is in need of commercial vehicle to further support your daily business transactions, taking a commercial vehicle loan will be a good way to own one. In Singapore, commercial vehicle loans can help entrepreneurs to purchase their vehicle. The loan finance for commercial vehicle hugely depends on your […]
Things You Need To Know About Car Refinancing

“Is car refinancing for me?” “What are the benefits of car refinancing?” “Am I qualified to refinance my existing car loan?” These are some of the few questions that we get from time to time. This article will help you determine if refinancing is for you. Some benefits and qualifying criteria were also provided on […]
Benefits of Financing A Car

Before you buy a car in Singapore, the first thing that you need to do is to find the right financial institution that can offer you the lowest possible car financing interest rates. They say that cars in Singapore are only meant for the rich, but the truth is with a cheap car financing it […]
How To Get the Best Car Loan For Your Used Car

Getting the best car loan in Singapore for your used car is made easier through the aid of the internet. Nowadays, with just a few clicks you are able to gather all the information that you need in regard to your car loan. 1.) Look for the right bank, car dealer or car finance company […]